
What is Unreasonability

Unreasonability is a social movement to encourage a renewal of pie-in-the-sky, what-if thinking that was, and has always, been at the core of any progress that the world has made. It is inspired by the famous George Bernard Shaw quote (from Man and Superman):

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman

As a global community and movement, Unreaonability invites people from every discipline and culture to share their unreasonable idea. The only requirement: that it tests the limit of reason and possibility. We believe in the power of bold ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. What is unreasonable today might just shape the realities of tomorrow.

What is Unreasonability.Org

Unreasonability.Org is the nucleus of this social movement. It offers a place for literally thousands of “unreasonability pitches” by anyone and everyone from across the world, from the world of science, entrepreneurship, policy — and life itself.

What makes an idea unreasonable?

That is a hard question. One person’s unreasonable idea may seem tame and attainable to others. Instead of us judging the unreasonability of any idea, we allow you, our site visitors, to rate the unreasonability quotient of e